All right, well, let’s get in our Bibles we’ll have the teenagers stay upstairs. And this evening is just a few of you seated. But if you want to sit with your teacher, you’re welcome to. Okay? So first Corinthians, chapter number eleven. Sunday night we talked about about head gear and attitudes. Tonight we’re going to go a little different direction. 1st corinthians eleven, we’ll talk about the Lord’s Supper and something that we are familiar with. But there are some things here I’d like to look at with you. It’s a memorial. It has a message to it. It has hope built within it, but also the manner in which we are to remember. It’s more than just an ordinance, can I put it that way? It’s a reminder, among other things. It has its own testimony to it. There’s a lot of beautiful things involved with the Lord’s table. So first reading, chapter number eleven, verse number 17. We’ll start reading there. Verse 17 is a completely different thought process. From chapter one. Verse one through 16 talked about the head of the man being Christ, the head of the woman being the man, and the head of Christ is God and what that means and how men ought to act and look like men and women ought to act and look like women. Amen. For the glory of God. It’s not for anybody else, it’s for the glory of God. And if you missed that message and would like some interesting talk about conversation pieces, go back and watch Sunday night’s message. Okay? Verse number 17. Now, in this that I declare unto you, I praise you not. Now, if you’ll notice, back in verse two, he said, now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me and all things to keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you. There were some things that they were doing that were praiseworthy. They were doing things that were good. But he said, in this, it’s not good. And I’ve got to tell you about it. I’ve got to correct you on some things because this is such a serious matter. We need to address some things. We’re 17. Now, in this that I declare to you, I praise you. Not that you come together, not for the better, but for the worse. For first of all, when you come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you, and I partly believe it. For there must also be heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. Tell you what, let’s do, let’s read through the passage so we familiarize ourselves with the passage and we’ll go back and look at it. Okay? For there must also be heresies among you that they which are proved may be made manifest among you when you come together. Therefore, in the one place, this is not to eat the Lord’s supper. For in eating everyone takeeth before other his own supper and one is hungry and another is drunken. What, have you not houses to eat and to drink in? Or despise you the church of God and shame them to have not? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I praise you not. For I have received to the Lord that which also I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. When he had given thanks, he broke it and said, Take, eat. This is my body which is broken for you. This do in remembrance of me. After the same manner, also he took the cup when he had stopped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood. This do ye is oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me. Pray as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord’s death till he come wherefore? Whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drink unworthily, eateth and drink damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body for this cause. Many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened to the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world. Wherefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, teary one for another. And if any man hunger, let him eat at home. That you come not together in the condemnation and the rest will I say it in order when I come. It’s been a little while since we’ve had communion here or the Lord’s Supper here on Sunday morning. And I forgot to tell you about the Gary. Sunday morning. We’ll have the Lord’s Supper after the morning service, okay? So if you don’t care to get everything set up for us for that but what is it? It’s a memorial, among other things. But when they were coming together, some of you may remember the time when it was I don’t know if they did it ever here, but it was such a distance to church that you would carry your lunch with you. You’d carry your dinner with you. You go to church, you would eat, and then you’d maybe have another service and you’d go home. Did they ever do that here? No. I know where Kevin was this past summer, I believe it was. They did that there. They found out that works better for them. But it was a time of fellowship for the believers. It was a time that they were eating and just fellowship in one with another. And they would include the Lord’s Supper in with that. And it wasn’t necessarily anything wrong with that but it became a common thing. It became too common among them. Even the sacred things of God can become too commonplace for us. We can get too comfortable around the house of God, the word of God, the mysteries of God, that we lose our reverence for them. And when we do, we’re in dangerous territory. That’s what was happening with them. That verse I was trying to remember earlier if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we have all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead became the first roots of them that slip. That’s one Corinthians 15, one Nine and 20. And Titus 213 says, looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearance of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. This ordinance in itself not only remembers the death of Christ but it also looks forward to his coming. And so we’ll talk about that. But when they were coming together, they weren’t coming in the spirit of unity. They were coming together in factions, under umbrellas, like I’m of Apollo, I’m of Cephas, I’m of so and so. And there were divisions among them. When we gathered together to worship the Lord in the church house, we ought to gather together in unity, in fellowship, one with another in accord. And there were divisions there. Look at verse number 19 says there must also be heresies among you that they which are approved maybe made manifest among you. He said, there’s divisions there. If there’s divisions there, there must be some heresy there because heresy divides. The false doctrine divides. Getting people to pull apart in divisions divides the congregation. He said, of all places, not only in the church house but of all places at the Lord’s table ought not be a place for division. We ought to find common ground. All as sinners in the sight of a holy God accepted only because of the blood of Jesus Christ. That’s our common ground. So he said, there’s divisions there’s. Heresies. They were abusing the Lord’s Supper. It became too commonplace. One of the commentators, Harry Ironside, you may have heard of him, he said, made this statement. And several of the ones that I read after made this statement. It was originally observed very frequently for a time. It was observed every day when the disciples would gather together, every day they would observe the Lord’s suffering. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But afterwards it became a practice. Upon the first day of the week, Sunday, every Sunday they would observe the Lord’s Supper. There are some churches today that do that every Sunday. I think there’s a danger there becoming too commonplace and losing our reverence for it. Obviously, we ought to do it more than we have, and we shall with the Lord’s help. But in Acts chapter two and verse 46 is a reference for that. You don’t have to turn there. It’s a memorial of the past, a reminder of the cross. But the centrality of the message is the Lord Jesus Christ. So what he’s done for us? Here in verse number look at verse number 22. Paul is correcting them through the Spirit of God. He’s saying, what have you not houses to eat and to drink in? He said, when you come together for the Lord’s Supper, it’s not to fill your stomachs of the elements of the bread and the grape juice, the fruit of the vine. It’s to remember, it’s to feed your soul. But it’s really not for you at all. It’s just to put you in mind of Jesus, of what he did for us. So verse 23. I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you. Now this was a direct revelation to Paul, as was all of Scripture that God gave him of the Lord’s Supper. So this was not a secondhand account. The Lord gave this directly to the Apostle Paul and we’re not told when he gave it. I have an idea. Maybe it was that time when he was set apart in the desert and before he got with the disciples, after he was saved, he attended the school of the Lord. Amen. And the Lord taught him some things. It showed him what he wanted them to preach. But this is what he said. He said that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. It’s interesting that the Lord would use that phrase. He wanted us to take note of that. It was the same night in which Jesus was betrayed. Think about the Lord’s attitude, his heart. He’s looking forward to his cross. He’s looking ahead and seeing his cross. Matter of fact, later that night. Let’s do this for a minute. Let’s turn to Matthew, chapter number 26. Matthew 26, verse number 17 just kind of set the circumstances surrounding the Lord’s Supper. Some people call this the Last Supper. It really wasn’t the Lord’s last Supper. After he rose again from the grave, he ate supper again on the seaside. He ate fish and honeycomb with the disciples. It wasn’t the Last Supper the disciples ate either, but it was the last Passover meal that they had. Verse number said, verse number 26. Believe verse number 17. On the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus saying unto him where would thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover? And he said, Go into the city to such a man and say to him, the Master saith, my time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at thy house with my disciples. And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them and they made ready the Passover. Now when the evening was coming, he sat down with the twelve. Okay, stop right there for a minute. They’re eating the Passover meal which happened one time a year. And you remember when that was instituted was when the Israelites came out of Egypt and God told Moses that I want every 14th day of the first month, which was April to them, you’re already at the 10th day of the month, you lay up a lamb without spot, without blemish, and you observe it for four days. And then the 14th day of the month at even, you kill it. And you take the blood that night you take the blood and put it on the door post, on the over part of the door and the side post. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you. He said, I want you to keep this feast for a memorial. You don’t have to do the blood again, but I want you to keep this feast of putting up the lamb, taking the lamb, slaying the lamb, and for each household eating the lamb as the meal. Don’t leave anything left for a memorial what God had done. But also it was a picture of what would happen. You realize that Jesus is pictured as the perfect Lamb of God. There was no sin in him. He died, I believe, on Passover, on the day of the Passover, as a perfect lamb, as a perfect representation of that feast. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. And so that’s what they were keeping. He was eating this meal with them. He, the Lamb of God, was seated at the table, partaking of the picture right in front of them. And the disciples were like so many of us who just dense and didn’t get it until afterwards. Then he says verse 21 as he did eat, he said Barely. I say to you that one of you shall betray me. And you know what happens? They ask who it is. Let’s go on them. Verse number 26 and as they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave to the disciples and said, Take, eat. This is my body. Now, we don’t believe for a minute that the bread or the grape juice turn into the body of Jesus or the blood of Jesus, because here you have physically the Lord Jesus himself taking of the bread and saying, this is my body. Elsewhere he said, I am the vine, you are the branches. He did not mean that he was a vine like a plant. He said, I am the door to heaven. He did not turn himself into a door. So I think we understand we can take the Bible as it is plainly revealed to us. It does not become the body of Jesus. It is not the body of Jesus. It is a picture of what happened to Jesus on the cross of Calvary. And he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them and saying, Drinky all of it, for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. He said, this is a picture of my blood that’s going to be shed on the cross of Calvary. But I say to you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you and my Father’s kingdom. When they had sung in Him, they went out into the Mount of Olives. I love Brother JP’s message and camp Meeting he preached from Psalm 118 and as a matter of fact he mentioned this in his message. There is good support for this being the psalm that they had sung before they left these songs. Some of these psalms were sung at the Passover feast and that may be another feast. But notice in Psalm 118, verse 22, the last part of the psalm that Jesus would have sung after eating the Passover meal, the stone which the builders refused has become the headstone of the corner. This is the Lord’s Dewy. It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. We use that verse a lot to say every day is good and God’s made it. We’re thankful for that. But this particular day, the day where Jesus would die on the cross of Calvary, you remember their day started in the evening and it went to the next evening time. And so Passover day started in the evening when they ate at that Passover meal, he said, this is the day, the following daylight hours is when Jesus would die on the cross. This is the day which the Lord hath made. We rejoice and be glad in it. 27 verse 27 god is the Lord which hath showed us like. Listen to this bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. Jesus is getting ready to go to a cross of Calvary and he’s singing about him being a sacrifice that’s bound to the altar, that’s laying himself down. Thou art my God and I will praise thee. Thou art my God. I will exalt thee. Verse 29 the end of the psalm is like the beginning of the psalm o give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good for his mercy and doth forever. Isn’t that amazing that the Lord had this psalm on his heart, on his lips as he was leading the disciples out to go over into the Mount of Olives and spend time with them and praying to his father. And then the next few hours spend it in the hands of the angry mob and the Romans would eventually crucify him. He had all this on his mind. He said, I’m going to go through all this, but before I do, I’m leaving something precious with you, my disciples. I’m leaving this memorial to you so you won’t forget me. It is a sad thing that we need a memorial to remember our Lord and Savior, that’s the way it happens, isn’t it? Things happen in our lives. We get distracted, we get sidetracked. Midterm elections come and go every couple of years, and college football is on, and it’s just a number of things, and it’s sad, but things distract us from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So back to verse number 23 in our text. For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread and we had given thanks. He break it. Think about this. There is so much I don’t know if we’ll get through all this tonight, but when he had it, wasn’t that funny? Josh? When we get when Jesus took up of that bread, how many of you have ever seen unleavened bread? Not necessarily those little wafers, but the actual unleavened bread, right? When you bend it and crack it, it shatters into 100 different pieces, don’t it? When Jesus had that bread in his hands, he broke it. But before he did, he gave thanks. He knew what that represented. He knew what that bread that he was getting ready to break represented. His body hanging on a cross, despised of men, beaten, cursed at, bruised, bloodied beyond recognition. He knew what was ahead. But what did he do? First? He gave thanks for the bread, right? The Bible says in everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Jesus knew what lay ahead of Him, and yet he was still giving thanks to His Father for what was going to happen. You and I ought to be able to look at our life and be able to give God thanks, because nothing we ever go through is going to be what Jesus went through. And he still gave God thanks, but with the spirit of gratitude. When we come to the Lord’s Supper, we ought to have a spirit of gratitude. We ought to realize that God has done so much for me. I’m so grateful, so thankful for what he did for me. A spirit of gratitude. Then he said, Take it. This is my body which is broken for you, this due and remembrance of me. You know, you realize we love to celebrate Christmas, but we are never commanded in the Bible and God’s Word to celebrate the birth of our Savior. But we are commanded to celebrate and remember his death here and resurrection here. In this observance of the Lord’s Supper. We remember that he said, this due in remembrance of Me. This do. This do. It’s an ordinance that the Lord left the local church. Two ordinances are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. You realize that each one is a picture of Jesus dying on the cross. In baptism, you have someone standing up in a body of water and they’re identifying themselves with Jesus. I am buried with Him in baptism, and I’m raised to walk in newness of life. I’m picturing myself identifying myself with Jesus Christ. It’s a picture of Jesus died on the cross, being buried and rising again. The Lord’s Supper likewise, is a picture of Jesus death on the cross, body broken, blood being spilled, and of his resurrection. Because we’re showing it until Jesus returns those two ordinances, I believe it’s important to the heart of God, don’t you? So he said this do and remember to me. After the same manner, also he took the cup when he had stopped saying, this cup is a new testament to my blood. This do ye as you drink it, in remembrance of me. He said, it’s something you ought to do in remembrance of me to remember what I have done for you. Not only is it a memorial what we remember, we remember that Jesus died. He suffered my death, my hell on the cross of Calvary. He suffered for me. How to remember that, be thankful for what he did for me there. But also it’s an expression of love. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper. Now, I know it’s just a little wafer, it’s just a little grape juice. And there’s different ways people celebrate or remember commemorate the Lord’s Supper. We used to have the dish before COVID we had little unleavened wafers there. We’d pass out and some actually had the unleavened bread and break it and pass it out. But what it represents is a memorial, what happened to Jesus. But also it shows something. Look at verse number 26. Often, as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord’s death till he comes. You’re showing Jesus death. You know, you’re testifying to the world when you partake of the wafer, that the unleavened bread and the juice representing the blood of Christ, you’re testifying to the world, hey, I identify with Jesus Christ. He died for my sins. You’re saying that I am unworthy in myself. To get to heaven, to have my sins forgiven, I had to have a payment. My payment was the Lord Jesus Christ. This doesn’t save me. Baptism doesn’t save me. But I’m identifying willingly myself with Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. By partaking of that, we are in essence, preaching Jesus Christ to the world. I read this in one of the books I was studying and I like this. He said, not only were you preaching to the world, but we’re preaching to the powers of darkness, proclaiming the Lord’s death every time we partake the Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s death has conquered the powers of darkness and we are preaching to them. We’re saying we believe in the death barrel and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We’re also showing the Lord in heaven that we are giving witness to the fact by partaking of that, that we accept his sacrifice on Calvary. And we’ve done that already through faith. He knows that. But the outward expression of our love for him is partaking participating in the Lord’s Supper. It’s called the Lord’s Supper. His Supper. If you invited me to supper, I might come. I might come willingly, right? I might come and ready to partake and participate. But if the Lord invited us to come, shouldn’t we all come and participate? Remember what he’s done for us. It’s also a place of hope. We do show the Lord’s death last three words till he come. So in between his first coming and his second coming, this ordinance is in place. Once he comes a second time. This ordinance we won’t need anymore. We won’t have to show his death till he comes, because he’ll be here. We’ll be there with Him in the air. Seven years later, we’ll be coming back with Him on Earth, and he may set up something else. I don’t know from there, but I know right now this is in place. But it’s just for a little time, longer, until Jesus comes, because we’ve got the hope and the promise of his return from the ministry of the Savior to the ministry of the Sovereign. This ordinance has its place. So you and I are doing our part to keeping this ordinance going by partaking to the Lord’s suffering. It’s a place of hope. We remember that Jesus is coming soon. So he said, when you come to the Lord’s table, it matters how you come. Their attitude now, notice he’s talking to believers here. This is people that have been saved, have been born again children of God. They’ve been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. Baptism doesn’t save a person. The Lord’s supper never saves a person. There are some religions that teach that we know better. Salvation is only by putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. But he said no one, he’s not talking to unbelievers, he’s talking to believers. No one should come to the Lord’s suffer that has not been saved by the grace of God. I don’t believe that a person should come to the Lord’s suffer that it hasn’t been baptized. I believe that’s the order of the New Testament Church, they were saved, they were baptized, they were added to the church, and then they fellowship one with another in breaking of bread, partaking of the Lord’s Sumper. And it was in that order. So you’ve got to be saved. You got to be baptized. I believe you need to be a member of a local New Testament Church in good standing. And here’s why I say that. We looked at one Corinthians five, talked about church discipline. Now, there are times when somebody is forced to be removed from the fellowship of the church. And he said, let’s look at that verse just real quick, one verse in particular, one Corinthians five, verse number eleven. But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a rally or a drunkard or extortioner with such a one know not to eat. There’s a time when we’ve got to separate ourselves from those that are walking disorderly, even though they’re Christians that are walking outside of where they need to be bringing a reproach daily upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, none of us are perfect. We’re going to look at that word unworthily here in just a second. I believe that is my conviction from the word of God that to partake the Lord’s Supper you’ve got to be saved, born again, John of God, got to be baptized, need to be a member of the local New Testament Church. I have studied this and I know there’s different interpretation of this, but I truly believe that’s the interpretation as far as the participation requirement that what is required for a person to come and partake the Lord’s Supper. Now, verse number 27 wherefore whose service shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Now, let me ask you a question. All right, you ready? Who in here is unworthy of the Lord’s Supper? Every single one of us, right? And it’s not talking about being unworthy, it’s talking about eating unworthy. We’re all unworthy in ourselves, but we’re made worthy through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. He placed his righteousness on my account. I’m not coming to Lord’s table and partaking of his supper in my goodness, in my virtue. I’m coming simply because I’ve trusted in Jesus Christ. He’s washed me of my sins, and I’m remembering what he did for me at Calvary. So this has another meaning to it. It doesn’t mean not being worthy because he said, let a man examine Himself, and so let Him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. He said, don’t come unworthy. There should be a selfexamination here. And then the very next thing you do is what? Eat of that bread and drink of that cup. So there’s a selfexamination here. Let me read something to you here. One of the writers said this. It is a deliberate, conscious, positive and present sin that is meant. It doesn’t mean that he does not. It doesn’t I’m getting mixed up here. A deliberate, conscience, positive and present sin. In other words, something that when you examine yourself, say, lord, is there something is standing between me and you? And God shows you what it is and you refuse to confess it and forsake it you should not go on partaking of Lord’s Supper. You might say, well, then, Brother Eric, I’m just going to refrain from partaking of the Lord’s Supper. Well, then you’re walking in disobedience to the Lord Jesus, dude, remembrance of me. So the best thing to do is say, Lord, show me what might be between me and you. When he shows it to you, confess it. Say, Lord, by your help, I’m going to forsake it. I’m going to leave it, I’m sorry, forgive me, and then come to Lord’s table and eat of that. When we come with the right attitude and the right heart, that’s not coming unworthily, because the Lord has invited us, he’s bidding us to come. He’s made us worthy in his righteousness. But it’s coming with unconfssed sin in our heart, coming with a bad attitude in our heart, with a rebellious spirit in our heart that’s coming unworthy. And I do believe that if a person that’s never been saved partakes of it, that’s unworthily as well. But that’s not who he’s talking to here. He’s talking to believers. For he that eateth and drink unworthy, Edith, and drink damnation to Himself, not discerning the Lord’s body for this cause. Many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. He said there are many that are physically ill. He’s not saying all sickness is a result of God’s chastening or God’s discipline, but there are some sickness. There are some that die prematurely because they’re under the discipline and the chasing hand of God. And that’s a sobering thought. We can leave this life early if we are refused to be corrected by God, and he decides to chase in us and discipline us that way. He has to chase us, because look at the rest of it. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. We’ll come back to that verse. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. One of these days, the world is going to stand before God, the unsaved, and they’re going to give an account. Every man shall appear before Jesus Christ, the Bible says, and so they’re going to be condemned. The unsaid will be, you and I are saved. We’re not going to be condemned with the world. So God chases us now. He corrects us now to get us to be right with Him. And if we don’t listen, if we still have a rebellious spirit, rebellious heart, he may have to discipline us. He may have to just remove us from this world. There are some that die before their time because they keep a rebellious spirit against the Lord and that they’re saved, but they have a rebellious spirit before the Lord. Where for my brother, when you come together to eat, Terry, one for another, if any man hungry, let him eat at home. That you come out together in the condemnation of the rest of us in order. When I come, it’s come back to verse number 31. If we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. He’s saying, here’s where before you partake the Lord’s supper, here’s where you self examine yourself. You’re self judging yourself, so to speak, said you’re searching your heart, saying, Lord, show me what may be standing between me and you. What may be wrong may be dishonouring to you. And Lord, help me to remove that from my life. Forgive me. We’re judging ourselves. We’re saying, Lord, we’re stacking up our life by the standard of God’s Word. Lord, if I’m out of line, show me how I’m out of line. Forgive me. Tell me to get in line. Help me to walk in Your way and then you go forward and continue from there. If we judge ourselves, we shall not be judged. The Lord is plenty of us and mercy. Amen. One John one nine says, if we shall confess our sins, he is what? Faithful and just to forgive us our sins. Right. So how do we come to the Lord’s table? Well, we need to come reverently. We need to come with remembering and a thankful spirit, remembering what he’s done for us. We need to come in a spirit of humility, examining ourselves. None of us are worthy. None of us are worthy. But by God’s grace, he’s bidding us to come. And wonder of wonders, isn’t it just a mystery why God would take interest in us? I’m so glad he did, don’t you? So? I don’t want to shun his table. I want to draw near to Him. I want to show his death until he comes, show that I am trusting Him and loving Him. Want to come together in unity. M R dahan. Many of you know who that is. He had this seven point outline for this chapter. I’m going to give it to you already. We have a divine command. This due this dude not an option. Divine command. It’s a blessed privilege. We’re coming to the table of the Lord number three. It’s a necessary memorial in remembrance of me, a willing testimony. We’re showing the Lord’s death. It’s a humbling confession as to our helplessness. Because we see ourselves as unfit, we are picturing Jesus death. That’s my only hope. It’s an act of faith, not only looking backward to the cross, but forward to the crown. Jesus coming soon, until he comes. And there’s also a solemn warning. So I thought that was good. A divine command, a blessed privilege, a necessary memorial, a willing testimony, a humbling confession, act of faith, and a solemn warning. It’s remembrance of Him, expression of our love. But it’s also a promise full of hope. So we use unleavened bread and unfermitted wine, which is a grape juice. Amen. There’s no sin found in Jesus Christ and we don’t want to picture that. We want the purest thing that there is to represent our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I’m glad the Lord, who knows mankind, left us something we could picture and we could remember Him by. One of these days, this supper is going to be exchanged for the marriage supper. And instead of seeing the blood there in the cup and the broken body there in the plate, we’re going to see the risen Lord and Savior with his nail scars in his hands and in his feet and his side. See the one whose blood was shed for me and you and the glorified body. And we won’t be remembering Him then. We’ll be with him. We’ll be fellowshipping with him. We’ll be serving him. He’ll serve us, but we will worship Him. And what a day that will be. Amen. I’m looking forward to that day where these things that compass us about now will be gone. But the greatest thing about heaven is being with Jesus Christ, and what a wonderful tongue that will be that’s the Lord’s Supper, Lord willing, will have that Sunday morning after the morning service. And we’ll remember that we’ll try to have that more frequently than we have had and show not every Sunday, but more frequently, just remembering what Jesus did for us. Amen. All right, let’s bow in prayer. Heavenly Father lord, we love you And, Lord, I feel so unworthy to bring before Your people such an important reminder, such a precious thing as the Lord’s Supper. And, Lord, what it represents. Father, I thank you for allowing us to take part in it, participate in it as a reminder of what you did for us. And, Lord, it’s overwhelming to think how much you love us and care for us. Lord, we need this reminder. We need this constantly before us so we don’t forget what You’ve done. Well, thank you for loving such frail creatures as us, for caring for us, leaving this testimony for us to show the world we’re identifying with you. Lord, help us to come in a way that’s pleasing to you. Help us to live our lives not just on Sundays or Wednesdays or at the Lord’s table, but that every day as a public testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ and say his name, we pray. Amen. Amen.