If you have the word of God, I invite you to open up to the very first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis. Genesis, chapter number five is where we will find our passage of this morning. Kind of an unfamiliar, peculiar passage. But the Lord has given me something in this passage and I believe that’s what he has for us for this hour. I love the Sunday school lesson this morning. Heaven. It’s a place that sounds like home. It’s a place I’ve thought about a lot recently. So much stuff going on, the world and that chapter that he went to at the end, revelation chapter number 21. It’s one of my favorite chapters. I’ve been studying it as much as I can out of it recently. Such a wonderful chapter. We know everything that’s going on here, but I believe it should be important to us to prepare to see what we’re going to be doing for all eternity. I love the chapter, verse number one. It starts out at the end of the verse. John says that there’ll be no more sea. And as I read that, I thought it’s peculiar, but if you look at that as a Jewish mind, the sea represents to them separation. John saying, there’s going to be no more separation there. We won’t be away from God, we won’t be away from our loved ones. That saved. What a blessed place it’ll be marked. He talked about no more crying, no more sorrow, no more death sitting this pain, whatever it might be, it’ll all be gone. As he looked a little bit, he talked about how in chapter number 21 you see all the different things, the beauty of heaven, the splendor of heaven, what it’s going to look like, what it’s going to be like. But my favorite part about Revelation Chapter number 21 is what it says at the end. Says that there’s going to be no temple there because we won’t need a temple there. God will be our temple. He’ll be our heavenly tabernacle. We’ll be with him. The next verse that goes on to talk about how there’s going to be no more sun, no more moon, no more stars. There will be no nights. There’s no need for a moon. There won’t be a sun because it will be with the one that is light for all eternity. And it’s so amazing to think about where we’ll spend eternity. If you don’t know that’s where you’ll spend an eternal you can today. And as brother. And Mark was talking about that and I was thinking about how we’ll be with God for all eternity. I believe it kind of tied into it this morning. We’ll be with Him for all eternity. But while we’re on this side of eternity, we can walk with Him, we can fellowship with Him, we can be with Him. We find our texture in Genesis, chapter number five. Genesis, it’s a book of beginnings. Everything begins in Genesis, the history of the world, except for God. God doesn’t begin in Genesis. He is before time. He’s before Genesis. He’s during time and he’s going to be after time. God’s always been. But Genesis, we find the creation. We find creation. Genesis, chapter number one. We see the beginning of the sun, the moon and the stars. Genesis. We find the beginning of the land, of the formations, of the mountains and the hills, the beautiful West Virginia hills down there where we live, the beautiful Smoky Mountains, everything god formed it. We find that in the Book of Genesis. It’s a book of beginnings. We go on. We find the beginning of animals, land animals, sea animals, animals of the air. Book of beginnings. We keep going through Genesis. You can find the beginning of sin. You can find the beginning of death. You keep going through Genesis, you find the beginning of civilization, of so many different things, of families. You find the beginning of so much stuff. Genesis, it’s a book of beginnings, as I said. Genesis, chapter number five. If you are familiar with this passage, it’s a really unfamiliar passage. It’s really peculiar. It’s a genealogy. And I believe the genealogy is they’re just as important as any other part of the Bible. But the Lord, he showed me something in this genealogy here and it stood out to me. I’ve read it time and time again. I believe each and every single one of us, if we set out to read the Bible in a year or begin to try to read our Bible through fully, this is always the first hiccup in it. Genesis chapter number five. You get to these names, all the places, all the many numbers, all the years. It’s a little bit harder to read through, but it’s just as inspired as the rest of the Bible. It’s difficult to read through. And Genesis, chapter number five, it’s as if you’re walking through a cemetery. You start at one side of the cemetery and you look down and there’s Adam. It says, Adam lived such and such years, but at such and such and died. And then you go on and you see the family of Seth. Seth lived many, many years and then he died. And as we take the journey through the cemetery, we come to many people that we don’t recognize. Many people whose names not said again after this chapter. We know Adam, we know Seth a little bit, and we know Noah at the end methuselah he’s the oldest man to ever live. We know that. But we come to this man named Enoch. He’s not mentioned much in the Bible. He’s mentioned here in this chapter. He’s mentioned in Hebrews chapter number eleven in the hall of Faith. And we find him again in the Book of Jude. We’ll look at that passage in Jude here in a little bit, but look what it says. All these people will back up a few verses just for the sake of it. Look at verse number 18 of Genesis, chapter number five. And Jared lived in 160 in two years, and he badat Enoch. And Jared lived after Ibadat. Enoch, 800 years and Badat’s sons and daughters. And all the days of Jared were 960 in two years, and he died. So we see this whole genealogy. We see person after person. We see them speaking about they live such and such years, and then they died. And we come to this man named Enoch, and the Bible notes something different about him. Everybody else, it’s the same thing one time after another after another after another, all the way through from Adam to Noah. But we find Enoch here. Look at verse number 21. And Enoch lived 65 years in bed at Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God after he badat Mathewah 300 years, and Badat’s sons and daughters, and all the days of Enoch were 365 years. And Enoch walked with God, and he was not for God took him. As I was reading through here, the repetition of this phrase stood out to me. We find it first in verse number 21. And then we find it first in verse number 22. Sorry, in verse number 24. And Enoch walked with God. And Enoch walked with God. These genealogies they’re put in here for a reason. As I said, they’re sometimes hard to read through, but they’re in there for a reason. It shows you the lineage. It shows you the genealogical way that Adam was related to Christ. It shows how Abraham, that Christ is a direct descendant of the lineage of Abraham and of David. That’s why we have the genealogies. But it’s peculiar to me that in the middle of all this, it just says, such and such lived, such and such gave birth to this person, and then they died. But it’s peculiar to me that the Bible notes this thing about Enoch. It says, and Enoch walked with God. This world was wicked. We’ll look at that here in a little bit. Enoch, he didn’t live in an easy world. He lived in a wicked world. The Book of Jew, where we’ll look at the end of the sermon, enoch, he prophesied against the coming judgment. He prophesied against the wickedness that was happening to the world around him. He didn’t live in an easy time, but he still walked with God. For the next little bit, I want to look at this man’s life. As I said, it’s not mentioned much. He’s mentioned he’s got a few verses here, a verse in Hebrews eleven, and two verses in June. That’s all that we know about this man. We don’t know much about him, but we do know enough that we can see that he walked with God. And I believe there’s a lesson that we can learn from him before we get into it. Let’s pray. Dearly Father, dear Lord, I thank you for this day. And I thank You, Lord, for this opportunity we have to be in Your house this morning. I thank you, Lord, for your word. I thank You, Lord, for the wonderful Sunday school lesson that we heard this morning. Thank you for Brother Mark his life. I thank you, Lord, for Pastor Eric. I pray, Lord, should be now with the preaching of Your word. I pray God, that everything that I say and I do it will honor glorify on uplift Your Holy name. I pray to all that you use me. I pray, Lord, that you open up hearts to be receptive of what it is that you have for us this morning. I pray, Lord, that somebody will take something away from this and it’ll help them in this year to come. Father, in your name I pray. Amen. As I read this, I thought it was peculiar. Look at Genesis chapter, chapter number five, verse number 21. It says that Enoch lived sits in five years in bed at Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God after he badat Methuselah 300 years, and Badat’s sons and daughters. We see here in this first verse where we are introduced to Enoch. Enoch didn’t always walk with God. Says for 65 years he lived and then he batted Methusel. And when he badat Methuselah, it says right there in verse number 22 and Enoch walked with God after he badaphuselah. So we see. Enemy didn’t always walk with God. And I believe that can be said of each and every single one of our lives. Enemy walked on this earth for 65 years, not in fellowship with the Lord, because it says after the birth of Methuselah, he walked with the Lord. And as I said, each and every single one of us, we cannot test in our life. We haven’t always walked with the Lord. I’m not just saying in your Christian life you haven’t always walked with Lord. I’m just speaking humanly speaking. We’re born with a sin nature. We’re born separated from God. We’re born without that fellowship, without that walked with the Lord. So each and every single one of us, we’re in the same shoes that Enoch found himself in his 1st 65 years. Something happened wherever Methusel was born. I don’t know what it was, but God got ahold of the tension and Enoch started walking with God. He started fellowshipping with God. Each and every single one of us. As I said, we go through our lives, we may be saved, we may backslide, we may not have the correct walk with God. Each and every single one of us, I’m sure we fell short at some point. We’ve slapped in our daily Bible reading. We slapped in our walk with God. We haven’t always walked with God, but we can as I was thinking about this, thought that in it didn’t always walked with God. I believe many people, they look at it and say that they’ve wasted many years, so why start now? We’ll get into that a little bit later, but not everybody starts off right. But I think Enid’s life shows an example here that it’s not about how you start, but it’s about how you finish. No enhance life. It started he didn’t walk with God, but the Bible notes that he finished walking with God. That’s how his life ended. He was walking with God. It’s not about how you start, but it’s about how you finish. As I think about that, I think about kingsahl. Kingsal, the Old Testament. He was a man that started right. He started good. He started with good intentions. He started doing well for the Lord. Dean Saul. He sought counsel, took Samuel as a mentor, he sought companion of his wise and faithful servants, took decisive action to heat the ammonites and spirit j best julia celebrated the victory with offerings to the Lord, and he won many victories over Israel’s enemies. He started well, he started great. Everything that he was doing was going so well. But King saw, he slipped up and he didn’t finish well. We see that in his life, where he failed to wait on Samuel, he offered the sacrifices, he obeyed incorrectly. He disobeyed god. He disobeyed what God had for him and what God had instructed him to do. He later grew jealous of David, the next king, the next man that God would use. He drew jealous over David. He started well, but he didn’t finish well. And as I thought about that, I started thinking about how many of us we haven’t started well, but we can finish well. But just because you’ve started well doesn’t mean that you’re going to finish well. I can think of or we saw that, but just because you haven’t started yet doesn’t mean that you can’t start now. I think of another man by the name of Saul, not in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament. Saul of Tarsus, we know him as Paul now. But Saul of Tarsus, he started bad. We know everything that he did. Saul of Tarsus, he was a persecutor, he persecuted the church, he persecuted the first century Christians. He had a hatred, he despised the people. While he would later be preaching, he was killing people for look with me. We’ll take a journey at chapter number seven. We read it this morning, acts, chapter number seven. We come to the account of Stephen, stephen, the first martyr. We begin reading of him in the Book of Acts, chapter number seven and verse number 54. When they heard these scenes, they were cut to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth. But he, being filled, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said, behold, I see the heavens open to the Son of man, standing on the right hand of God. Then they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and ran upon me with one accord and cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid their coat, their clothes at a young man’s seat whose name was Saul. This is the first time we’re introduced to Saul. Later it’s going to be known as Paul, but the first time we find Saul, he’s there at the stoning of the first martyr. Stephen, he didn’t start well. Let’s continue. Or just flip the page over right there. Acts, chapter eight, verse number three. As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house inhaling men and women, committed them to prison. He was persecuting Christians, people that were trying to serve God, what he would be doing one day. He was persecuting people for later in his life. Look at Acts chapter number 26. He’s looking back, he’s talking about his life. Acts chapter number 26. Begin reading verse number nine. This is Paul speaking. He’s before Adrippa and he says, I verily thought with myself, verse number nine, that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth, which thing I also did in Jerusalem, and many of the saints did. I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests. And when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them and I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme. And being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even into strange cities. He says he compelled them to blaspheme. He did everything that he could to stop the cause of Christ. Saw Tarsus. He didn’t start well. What’s said at the end of his life. If you look at Paul’s life later on, he was used by God and was inspired by the Holy Spirit to pin 13 of our New Testament books. Some people will say 14. If you would consider Hebrews. Later in his life, as he was looking to death, he pinned a letter to Timothy two. Timothy, chapter four, and verse number seven. He said, I fought a good fight, I finished my course. I’ve kept the faith. Paul, he didn’t start well, but he finished well. And each and every single one of us, like I said, keen Saul, he started well. But just because you start well doesn’t mean that you’re going to finish well. We see in Saul the Tarsus, Paul, it’s not about how you start, but it’s about how you finish. As Pastor Eric spoke last night, if he were here, he spoke on Peter to begin with. Peter denied the Lord three times. I’m sure Peter could have looked at his life and say, well, I can’t do anything for the Lord now. I’ve failed him. But God still used Peter because why? It’s not because of what Peter did in the past, but it’s what Peter could do in the future for God. It’s not about how you start. It’s about how you finish. And as I thought about that thought, and as I thought about that statement, I believe many of us, we try to use that in our advantage. We always say, well, one day I’ll get right with the Lord, and I’ll start walking with Him. One day I’ll do what I ought to do for the Lord. But we don’t know when that day will come. We’re not promised tomorrow. We’re not promised our next breath. We’re not promised to make it out of this church or to make it home today. Many of us, I believe we take our life for granted. We don’t know when our walk will be over. We don’t want to know when our race will be finished. That’s why we should start serving them today. Because many people, they say, One day I will, but one day never comes. They don’t make it to one day where they say that they will. So not only do we see that Enoch didn’t always walk with God. As I said, it’s not about how you start. It’s about how you finish. But look, we’ll read verse number 22 to 24 again. And Enoch walked with God after he began the 300 years. And bad sons and daughters in all the days of Enoch were 365 years. And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him. We see that Enoch did walk with God. Enoch was a man who walked with God. We can walk with God. We can fellowship with God. This Christmas season, Christ came to suffer and bleed and died so we could walk with God, so we could fellowship with Him, so we could be with Him for all eternity. Just a few a little while ago, I preached Luke, chapter two somewhere glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace. Goodwill toward men. As I study that passage, I realized many times, I think, that’s often misinterpreted people think about peace on earth or on earth peace, as the Bible says. But on earth, peace. Christ came to bring peace between God and man. That’s the peace that it’s speaking of. It’s not speaking about peace, about everything around us. We know that the world is wicked. We know that sin will run its toll with wars and rumors of wars and turmoil and sickness and death and all that stuff. But God sent his Son so there to be peace between the hearts of men and the heart of God. We didn’t walk with God because of what Christ came and did for us. He came. He lived a perfect life. He lived a sinless life. He suffered and he bled and he died for us. Enoch was a man who walked with God. What does it mean to walk with God? That was a question that I started thinking of as I was studying this. What does it mean to walk with God. To walk with God means to set God before us. Always to give God preeminence, to put God first in our life. Many times in our life, I believe we try to put ourselves first. We won’t say that we put ourselves first, but we always put ourselves first, or we put others first, or we put needs first, or we put our job first, whatever it might be. But God must have preeminence in our life. If you want to have a correct walk with God, you have to give God the correct preeminence. If you look at a normal family and if a father or a mother, they place the priority, they place work before the family. The family is not going to be a good family. It’s not going to be a well family. When the main priority is not the family, it doesn’t go well. We must place God first in our life. He must have preeminence. What does it mean to walk with God? To walk with God is to live a life of fellowship with Him. We must pray, we must seek Him daily. We have 66 love letters from Him, 66 books compiled in one Bible that he wants to speak to us through. We must fellowship with God. To walk with God means to make His Word our rule. As I said, we must seek his word. We must let it guide us. To walk with God means to give Him all the glory. There’s nothing for us to glory in. There’s nothing good that we have done in us. There dwelleth no good things. We have nothing good that we could say has been of our life. The only thing that we could do would be to live a life and do whatever we want and we would go to hell. That’s what we deserve. There’s nothing good of us. You may think that you did something good, but there’s nothing good that can be done beside outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. God deserves all glory. All glory goes to God, not to us. To walk with God means to be sure our actions. Please admire a life. We should live our life to please God. We want to walk with God. We ought to be seeking to please God with our life. In our daily walk, everything that we say, everything that we do, everywhere that we go, what we listen to, what we watch, is it please God. We must seek to please God. How to improve your walk? We must inform ourselves to the image of God. That’s what we should be doing with our life, as Pastor mentioned, looking unto Jesus. We ought to be looking to Christ and trying to model our life after Him, to be as Christlike as possible on this earth. Now, I know it’s impossible to do that because we can’t be perfect. We’re human, we’re infallible, we’ll sin, we’ll have problems, we’ll do things that we ought not. But we ought to be as Christlike as possible. We ought to be looking to Christ, looking unto Jesus, the author and the finish of our faith. We should be molding our life to be seeking to be like Christ. The Bible says in one Peter, chapter number one be holy as I am holy. God says we have to live a holy life. We are called to be holy because God is holy. We think of the image of God. God is a loving God. John, chapter number three, and verse number 16. For God to love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God loved us so much that he’s in his only Son. If we want to be Christ like, we must love others as well. We’re called to imitate the love of God to the people that have done us wrong, to the unsaved, to the sinners, to people that don’t love us. We’re called to a life of love. Not only are we to be holy, not only to be loving, but we were to be as forgiving as God is forgiving. God commended his love toward us. And while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God loved us so much, and he was so forgiving that while we were sinners with the chance that we would never love Him, that we never serve for Him, he still came and suffered in blood and died for us. That’s one of the hardest ones, I believe, for each and every single one of us in here, we can say that we love others. We can try to be as holy as possible, but we ought to be as forgiving as God is forgiving. You know, I’ve talked to people before. I’ve talked to many people, maybe some of the people in here, about forgiveness. And I always tell myself, I wrote this down many, many years ago, that if God can forgive me, I can forgive anyone. Nobody can ever do me worse than what I’ve done to God. But God still loved me, and God still forgave me. It doesn’t matter what’s been said. It doesn’t matter what’s been done. It doesn’t matter who it’s been or what’s happened. We ought to still have a forgiving spirit. If God can forgive us, we can forgive anyone. If you want to improve your walk, you must live a clean life. We have to live a clean life. If you look at a lifestyle, if you put bad food in your body, you’re not really going to have that good of results. You’re going to not feel well, you’re not going to do well. But if you put good food in, you’re going to live a healthier lifestyle. It’s going to be better for your body. The same is with the world. If you put the world in your body, it’s not going to be a clean lifestyle. It’s not going to be a good lifestyle. It’s not going to be a righteous lifestyle. But if you put good in, if you put the Lord, if you put his word, and if you put Him first in your life, that’s how you can live a clean lifestyle. Enoch just has a few verses mentioned of him in the Old Testament, as I said, we just read all that enhancement of the whole Old Testament is a verse that’s his name is mentioned in Hebrews eleven, as I said, and two verses we’re about to read in the Book of Jude. That’s all we know about him. But we see something so great about him that we don’t see about everybody. The Bible says, an Enoch walked with God. Our faith in God will grow as our fellowship grows with Him. ENH only has a few verses, but his name, his walk with God, is so great, it put him in the hall of faith, as we call it in Hebrews eleven. Enoch walked with God. May I ask you, how is your walk? Not how does your walk appear to be, but how is your walk? I’m not saying I’m going to drive Pastor Eric. How is such and such walks? Because he doesn’t know. You can fool him. You can put on a front, you can act like you’re living a Christian life, but you’re not. But you can’t fool God. You can fool others, you can fool the world, you can fool everybody. You can fool Pastor Eric, you can fool Miss Rachel, you can fool anybody. But God sees, god knows how your walk truly is. And you and God are the only two. We can all walk the walk. We can all fool others, but you can’t fool God. You know your your life, how you live. It writes the gospel. It shows people who you are. It shows people who God is. As I said, we’re called to be imitators of God. That’s why we’re to be holy as God is holy. That’s why we’re to be loving as God is loving. That’s why we’re to be forgiving as God is forgiving. I think about this time I met a friend at a restaurant, and we hadn’t seen each other for a while, so we were fellowship and talking what the Lord had done in our lives, how the Lord was blessing us in our ministry. We were talking many things, and we started talking about what the Lord had been teaching us in our devotional life. And our food came and we prayed before our food. And after we finished eating, the waitress, she brought the check and she asked us, she said, Are you all Christians? We said, yes, ma’am. And she started crying. And she just needed someone to talk to. She needed someone to pray with. And she saw that we were Christians. She could tell we were different than other people. Why? Because we talked about God. We lived that. Lifestyle. Because like I said, our life writes the gospel. People see Christ through you or they don’t see Christ through you. Our life, it writes the Gospel. Are you walking a walk? Are you walking the correct walk? As I said, you can fool pastor if you can fool everybody in this auditorium, but you can’t fool yourself in God. Are you following God’s will in God’s way? Are you following God’s plan and God’s path? Enoch walked with God. As I said. We’re going to look at the Book of Jude. Turn with me to the book of Jude. The book right before Revelation. Some people call it the vestibule of Revelation. It’s beginning, it’s bringing us, setting us forth, getting ready for the Book of Revelation. It’s a tiny book. It’s a small book. Jude, chapter number one, I guess. There is no chapters in it but Jude verse number 14. And Edith also the 7th from Adam prophesied of these, saying behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all and to conceive all that are undoubtedly among them of all their undoubtedly deeds which they have undoubtedly committed and of all their hard speeches which undoubtedly sinners have spoken against him. We see here Enna t’s prophesying about the coming judgment. Enoch’s prophesying events, the wickedness of his days in it didn’t live in an easy world. It wasn’t easy for Enoch to walk with God. I believe that it’s philippians, chapter number two, verse number 15. Paul talks about being in the midst of a truth and perverse world. I believe that we can say that about today’s world. It’s a crooked and perverse world. I believe we can say that about Enos day. But Enith walked with God. Enos served god. Ennet sought God in the midst of a crooked and perverse world. Enith lived in a wicked time, but in spite of the time and in spite of the day, he still walked with God. In our world. We look around us, there’s not much hope, there’s not much goodness. We can say the same with Enoch’s world, the world that Enoch lived in on the earth several thousand years ago, enoch walked a holy lifestyle. He walked with God. He fell a shift with God. Despite the world around it, despite the circumstances, despite the problems of life, despite the wickedness of the world, the vileness, enoch walked with God. Many people, I believe that we try to use that as an excuse as well, that it’s too hard to walk with God in this wicked world. But we see in the Bible that we can walk with God in a wicked world. We can fellowship with God in a wicked world. It’s a choice that must be made every single person. We face choices. Whether you think about it or not, you face so many choices. You face so many choices this morning on whether you’re going to get up and come to Sunday school or not, whether you’re going to come to church or not, what you’re going to eat for breakfast, what you’re going to wear, what car you’re going to bring, if you’re going to speed, if you’re not going to speed, if you don’t run a red light or a stop sign, whatever it might be. Every single one of us, we face choices in our life, whether we realize it or not. We face way more choices than we think about. But the greatest choice outside of salvation, as whether you’re a fellowship and walked with God, you have to make that choice. I believe we could look at the life of Daniel. Daniel, chapter one. The Bible says, daniel purpose in his heart serve the Lord. Daniel purposed in his heart, he made that choice. No matter what came in Babylon, he was doing on a walk with God. He knew the den of lions was going to be his fate, but he had already made that choice that he was going to walk with God. He still prayed. He still did exactly what he did before in the midst of a crooked and perverse world. And we can do that too. I’ll think about the book of Daniel, chapter number three. Shadow at me, shaking, abandoned. They lived in the midst of a crooked and perverse world. They knew that the fiery furnace was going to be their fate, but they still walked with God. They had made that choice that come what may, whatever it might be, that they’re going to walk in fellowship with God. As I said, we live in a crooked and perverse world. It’s not always going to be easy, but it’s worth it. I love the song of Lee. Fanny Crosby wrote it. Take the whole world, but give me Jesus. That ought to be our life. That ought to be our goal. That ought to be our desire. It doesn’t matter what the world has to offer. The world has nothing to offer. Brother Jeremy and I, we’ve talked about it several times while we’ve been traveling, working with Bill. The world has nothing to offer. It’ll leave you empty, it’ll leave you void. It’ll leave you hopeless. But walking with God won’t. The whole world could forsake you. Your family, your friends, all your loved ones, whatever it might be, they could forsake you. But if you still had God, he still had everything. Your walk with God is so important. You might be lonely, but God will be with you. We can still live, right? We can still serve God in the midst of a Christian perverse. We see that in enos life. We see that you don’t have to start well, but you can finish well. But just because you started well doesn’t mean that you’re on a finished well. You have to determine. You have to make that choice to serve God. It’s tough at times. It is tough. As I said, it’s not popular. It’s not going to be the easy decision to make all the time, but it’s the right decision, and you’ll never regret it one time. It’s the beginning of a new year. January 1, 2023. Many people don’t make New Year’s resolutions or they’ve already made some. As far as I remember. I don’t think I’ve ever made any. I may have made some and forgot about them a week later, like most people do, but at the beginning of a year, determine this year that you’ll be a person of faith. Determine this year that you’ll walk correctly if you’ve never read your Bible through in a year, or you used to read your Bible through in a year, or just try to read your Bible through fully. Start now. What better day than to start in the fair every first day of the year? Pastor Eric has taken every single responsibility to put on himself to make it as easy as possible. For you to do that, all you have to do is grab one of the daily breads or the Baptist breads, whatever they’re called. You have to get on one of the things he shared on Facebook that you can see, or you can grab one of the papers. He did everything possible that he can to help you, but it’s up to you. He can’t make you walk with God. He can’t force you to walk with God. That’s up to you. But what better way to start 2023 than to walking with God and fellowshipping with God. Our life is short. Our time is short. We don’t know when tomorrow will be. As I said, many people, they try to push it off, and they say, I’ll walk one day, but one day never comes. Start today. Let today be the day. I would love for this church on January 1, 2024, to look back on January 1, 2023, and say, that’s the day when we started walking with God. That’s when we started fellowshipping with God. That’s the day we started seeking God. I love the song that Adeley and Dale seen serving God. The last verse, one of the last lines they sing, when my body is in the grave, I still want the world to say, we serve God. Will that be said of your life? Do you want that set of your life? We to be as Paul, as he said, as he wrote Timothy and second Timothy four. I fought a good five. I’ve finished my course. I’ve kept the faith. Paul, he didn’t start well, but he finished well. Will you determine the finished well?