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Weekly Bulletin For Sunday 01/12/2025

It is a blessing to share this Lord’s Day with you and we are glad you chose to wor-ship with us. For those visiting, we are honored to have you. Please fill out a “Visitor’s Card” located in the pew and place it in the offering plate later in the ser-vice. If you do not have a home church, please join us tonight and this week in our services. Thank you for coming!

2025 Upcoming Dates to Remember
Saturday, 2/8 Teacher’s Meeting
Saturday, 3/8 Soul Winning Training (9 am-1 pm)
Bryan Treadway
Lunch Provided
Other churches will be invited
3/24-3/27 Spring Revival
7/27-7/30 Day Camp
10/19-10/24 Campmeeting

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribula-tion (that horrible time we lose to death someone we dearly love), or distress (those thousand momentary problems which all compound into one day), or persecution (when we are overlooked for a promotion at work because we’re “too reli-gious”), or famine (when all the bills are paid, and there’s nothing left over), or nakedness (when the one that promised to live life with us decides life is better without us) or peril (when we only have five minutes to get somewhere, and the car is dead — never to be resurrected again), or sword (when that agonizing killer called death stops and knocks on our door). Can those separate us from the love of Christ? No! Read Romans 8: 38-39. ~Chris Whitner

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